Vincent, we greatly appreciate the time and effort you have put into the inspection and we are impressed that you offered to come back in the Spring to follow up. We will be sure to recommend you to our friends and we wish you continued success.
Steve MARKHAM 2019年10月28日
Thank you so much for your patience and expertise yesterday.
I learned a lot from you!Linda 2019年11月2日
王先生 Oakville 2019年11月22日
佟女士 2019年11月29日
The report is great, very thorough and unbiased.
I enjoyed seeing you with all your fancy equipment yesterday, like the infrared light and your special attic mask.Michael Mississauga 2019年12月18日
Vincent 很专业,提前到达这里绕房子转了两圈,又在地下室待了很长时间,看的很仔细,他把检查出来的问题按轻重缓急的顺序告诉我,还有维修和更换的大概费用,还告诉我一些注意事项,很受用,这钱花的值。
赵先生 Burlington 2019年12月19日
刘女士 2019年12月28日
Robert Barrie 2020年2月14日
I am a very informed buyer and I went in for a home inspection on the recommendation of my Real Estate agent, who specifically recommended Vincent. I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism with which Vincent conducted his business, the amount of time he spent on the job and how thorough he was. He even managed to point out some things that I had not considered.”
Vicky Toronto 2020年3月19日