1. Infrared Thermal Imaging Inspection
Infrared thermal imaging technology allows home inspectors to quickly and accurately find hidden problems, showing you problems that cannot be found with conventional inspection methods. This technology has existed for many years but does not require mandatory use, and most home inspectors have not used it. We can use infrared thermal imaging inspection technology in each inspection to make the inspection results more accurate.
Of course, thermal imaging technology still has its limitations: like any type of inspection, it cannot predict the future. If we found moisture intrusion when using thermal imaging technology , we can inform you that if this situation is not resolved, it may lead to serious structural problems. It is recommended that you have a further inspection by professionals.
Problems Found by Thermal Imaging
Infrared thermal imaging inspections can identify and record moisture intrusion, energy loss, and unexpected hot spots.
Here are some other issues that are not easy to spot using conventional inspection methods.
Plumbing / drain leak
Hidden roof leak
Missing, damaged, and / or soaked insulation
Water and moisture intruding around holes and foundations and building envelopes can cause structural damage and mold
Damaged and / or malfunctioning heating system
Air conditioner compressor leaks and improper temperature differences
Damaged seal in double pane glass
Overheating of electrical equipment and parts
Thermal imaging equipment is very expensive, not every home inspector owns it and supplies it for every standard inspection

2. Safe and Efficient Roof Inspection (Telescopic Pole Camera)
It is impossible to climb the roof due to rainy and snowy weather, the roof is too high, or the slope is too high, we usually stand on the ground to observe the roof with the naked eye, or use a telescopic camera to check. A Wi-Fi camera is mounted on the top of the telescopic pole and is connected to the phone to take high-resolution photos of any roof and roof components. We can safely inspect the roof without damaging the roof tiles. We use this technology for free, so you don’t need to hire an expensive roofing specialist to inspect the roof. This is another tool we use to ensure optimal and accurate home inspections.
Problems found by Telescopic Camera Technology
Using this technology we can identify and document other problems that are not usually found by conventional inspection methods.
Missing roof tiles
Sunroof rupture
Chimney brick cracked
Missing or cracked seals around roof
penetrations, causing water and moisture to penetrate
Invisible to the naked eye from the ground
Damaged or blocked drainage channel
Rusty or damaged waterproof metal plate