Causes of leakage in basement and disposal suggestions (二)

What to do if the basement leaks?
1.Check gutters and downspouts.
Are there any leaves, branches and other debris in the gutters that block rainwater from flowing smoothly into downspout. If the slop of the gutters is improper, it should be adjusted . Downspouts must not only ensure smooth drainage, but also drain the water at least 6 feet away from the house. Gutters and downspouts are essential for the drainage of the entire house and the drying of the basement.
2.Check the grading around the foundation.
Check the slope around the foundation, including walkway, Patio in the backyard, and driveway. A good slope near the foundation can keep rain or melted snow falling on the ground away from the house. On the contrary, rainwater or melted snow falling on the ground will flow to the house, resulting in long-term high water pressure on the foundation wall. If there is a tiny crack in the foundation wall, the water will directly enter the basement, causing water leakage in the basement for a long time. It will also cause the foundation wall to peel off and cause structural problems. Therefore, make sure to have the correct slope around the house.
3. Repair the interior walls
High-pressure injection of waterproof glue into cracks in the wall. There are two kinds of waterproof glue. Epoxy and Polyurethane. For high-pressure injection of waterproof glue, a series of process holes must be drilled in the wall first. These holes are about 4-8 inches deep, starting from one end of the crack in the wall, one every 4 feet, and lined up to the other end of the gap. Then firmly insert a plastic injection needle into each hole. Use a high-pressure water pump to inject a mixture of mixed water and acid in the injection hole to remove dirt and impurities in the gap, and then inject high-pressure water for further cleaning. After these tasks are completed, you can inject high-pressure waterproof glue into the cracks. This kind of waterproof glue foams and expands itself when it encounters the water in the crack, and quickly fills the gap. After the work was completed, a row of plastic injection needles were left on the wall. High-pressure injection waterproof glue is simple and quick, and it is the most economical way to control foundation leakage on the market.
4. Repair the exterior walls
Find the leak point, then dig the ground in the corresponding outer wall. It must be deep enough to reach foundation footing and wide enough to allow workers to enter the pit for construction.
After finding cracks, use a high-pressure water gun and iron brush to carefully clean the foundation wall. After completely drying, apply waterproof coating to the cracks.
Fix the waterproof plastic membrane on the wall. This waterproof plastic membrane has protrusions on both sides and is very flexible. These protrusions can prevent the backfilled sand and soil from contacting the foundation wall. Due to the excavation of the ground, the original drainage pipe at the bottom of the foundation may be damaged. It needs to be carefully inspected, cleaned, repaired or necessary replaced.Final backfill. It is important to note that at the bottom of the pit, the upper part of the drain pipe should be backfilled with sand and gravel to facilitate drainage. The principle of this method of attaching plastic membrane to the outer wall is to allow external precipitation and moisture in the soil to adsorb on the plastic film to avoid contact with the wall surface and quickly drain into the drain pipe at the bottom of the foundation.

Posted in zhaozhiqiang140.